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The books we have on offer are all about Chinese Medicine, the theory that informs the use of Acupuncture or Books about Food Therapy. We do our very best to offer the books at a competitive price.

A Users Guide to Chinese Medicine by Neil Kingham Lic.Ac.

An accessible introduction to the theory of Chinese medicine, for those who are having, or considering having acupuncture treatment or for anyone interested in discovering this ancient form of medicine.

Helping Ourselves by Daverick Leggett

This is a manual of choice for many practitioners and patients. It includes a comprehensive list of almost 500 foods and herbs. It is in a user friendly format and is an ideal introduction to Chinese food energetics.

Recipes for Self Healing by Daverick Leggett

This book explains in full detail how to apply the principles outlined in Daverick's first book, Helping Ourselves. It conveys the wisdom and insights of Chinese medicine and makes them both relevant and accessible to the modern westerner.

A Users Guide to Chinese Medicine

by Neil Kingham

@ £10.99 including p&p to UK

@ £12.50 including p&p to Europe & N America

@ £16.50 including p&p to Rest of World

Helping Ourselves by Daverick Leggett

@ £12.45 including p&p to UK

@ £13.95 including p&p to Europe & N America

@ £17.45 including p&p to Rest of World

Recipes for Self Healing by Daverick Leggett

@ £19.95 including p&p to UK

@ £21.45 including p&p to Europe & N America

@ £25.95 including p&p to Rest of World

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